Wednesday, 10 October 2012 // campaign launch
I want to hereby make public what some of you have known or suspected for a couple of weeks now, namely that as officially announced in the European Youth Forum (YFJ) Courier earlier today I have been jointly nominated by the Young European Federalists (JEF) and the National Youth Council of Slovenia (MSS) to run for a second term as YFJ President.
It is with great honour and pride that I accept the nomination and the trust shown to me by these two organisations as well as by many other youth organisations and youth activists from all corners of the world who have contributed in motivating me to take this step.
Given the particular situation that for the first time in the Youth Forum's 16 year history (we had one previous case with Antonio Seguro from CNJ in times of the Youth Forum of the EU) we have the current President re-standing in an election I wanted to provide you with an
overview of what do I consider the main achievements of my presidency so far, where do I believe to have made a difference and why do I consider that my work is not yet done as well as where I get my motivation from to continue being engaged in the youth work and youth policy field in Europe.
I decided to do this by using this blog – which is itself a revamped 2.0 version of my first campaign to become YFJ President back in autumn 2010 – in order to present myself, my beliefs and ideas and outline some of the objectives I would like to implement together with you if you decide to entrust me with a second mandate as President of the European Youth Forum (YFJ) for the years 2013-2014.
As a point of transparency and continuity you can read all the previous blog points devoted to the different relevant topics discussed during the 2010 campaign below and in the blog's archive so feel free to browse back and read up on what I said and compare to what I did in
my first mandate. This 2.0 version of the blog features the following sections:
I very much look forward to this important democratic exercise, all your comments and feedback and hereby officially launch my campaign: @curlyP for European Youth Forum President 2.0.
Chères amies et chers amis, Cari amici e care amiche, Dear friends, Dragi prijatelji in prijateljice, Karaj amikoj, Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde, Queridos amigos y amigas ...
It is with great honour and pride that I accept the nomination and the trust shown to me by these two organisations as well as by many other youth organisations and youth activists from all corners of the world who have contributed in motivating me to take this step.
Given the particular situation that for the first time in the Youth Forum's 16 year history (we had one previous case with Antonio Seguro from CNJ in times of the Youth Forum of the EU) we have the current President re-standing in an election I wanted to provide you with an
overview of what do I consider the main achievements of my presidency so far, where do I believe to have made a difference and why do I consider that my work is not yet done as well as where I get my motivation from to continue being engaged in the youth work and youth policy field in Europe.
I decided to do this by using this blog – which is itself a revamped 2.0 version of my first campaign to become YFJ President back in autumn 2010 – in order to present myself, my beliefs and ideas and outline some of the objectives I would like to implement together with you if you decide to entrust me with a second mandate as President of the European Youth Forum (YFJ) for the years 2013-2014.
As a point of transparency and continuity you can read all the previous blog points devoted to the different relevant topics discussed during the 2010 campaign below and in the blog's archive so feel free to browse back and read up on what I said and compare to what I did in
my first mandate. This 2.0 version of the blog features the following sections:
- “about me” where you can read a bit more about my educational background, organisational involvement and the blog as such;
- “our platform” where I focus on some of basics of what the Youth Forum is and ask some questions about its nature, perceptions by members and partners and other issues linked to the inclusiveness and diversity of the platform as reflection points for future blog entries and sparking the discussion;
- “work done” where I highlight what I believe were the most important milestones and success stories of the past two years and create the links between my election promises and the work I've delivered during my first mandate;
- “what next” where I outline the five key areas I would like to focus on and concrete steps and vision that would underpin my actions and motivation;
- “supporters” where I present the nominating organisations with their justification and endorsement as well as additional supporting organisations that believe I'm the right person for the position;
- “comments” where I invite everyone to provide me with constructive feedback and exchange both general remarks on what you read or simply share your opinion.
I very much look forward to this important democratic exercise, all your comments and feedback and hereby officially launch my campaign: @curlyP for European Youth Forum President 2.0.
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